Phase I Orthodontics
in Lafayette & Opelousas

What is Phase I Orthodontics?

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children receive an orthodontic check-up by age 7.  At this age, children have a mix of both baby teeth and permanent teeth.  An early check-up allows the orthodontist to evaluate whether the permanent teeth, jaws, and face are developing normally.  Your orthodontist in Lafayette and Opelousas can advise when would be the best time to begin treatment, what kind of treatment is necessary, and how long it will take.  While most children will not need orthodontic treatment at this age, there are certain reasons when early, or Phase I, orthodontic treatment is recommended.  Phase I orthodontics prevents more serious orthodontic problems from developing as the child grows, which is why it is important to address these types of problems early.

Orthodontist in Lafayette and Opelousas.

Did you know…

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The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children receive an orthodontic check-up by age 7.

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When is Phase I Orthodontics recommended? Find answers here.

crowded teeth

Crowding at an early age when baby teeth are still present may indicate a lack of space for permanent teeth to come in. Early intervention may correct this problem from becoming worse over time.


Crossbites are when the upper teeth fit inside of the lower teeth. In a correct bite, the upper teeth should fit over the lower teeth like a lid over a jar. Correction of a crossbite is often easier at an early age when the jaws are still developing.


An underbite is when the lower front teeth come in front of the upper front teeth. It is important to correct this at an early age in order to prevent injury to the front teeth. However, an underbite may also indicate that there is a discrepancy between the upper and lower jaw, which can become more pronounced as the child grows. Your orthodontist can advise you on the proper time to begin treatment for an underbite.

Thumb/Finger Sucking Habit

Finger or thumb sucking habits that last beyond age 4 can cause unwanted pressure that pushes the front teeth forward and can lead to a misshapen upper jaw. Orthodontic treatment can help children overcome these oral habits and correct jaw and/or tooth-related problems caused by these habits.

Protrusive Teeth

Protrusive teeth, or teeth that stick out, may be more prone to injury in the case of an accident or if the child is involved in sports. Orthodontic treatment may be indicated in order to move the teeth to a safer position.

Early or Late Loss of Baby Teeth

Early loss of baby teeth may cause shifting and a lack of space for permanent teeth to come in. In this case, a space maintainer may help preserve the space needed for permanent teeth. Baby teeth that do not come out on their own may be indicative of other orthodontic problems, such as impacted teeth (teeth that get stuck in the jaw bone) or congenitally missing teeth (teeth that did not form). Sometimes supernumerary teeth (or extra teeth) are also detected during these check-ups. Early intervention can often prevent more complicated problems from developing in the future.

Did you know…

mouth icon

Mouthguards can protect your orthodontic appliances from damage.

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