Home Care

Lafayette and Opelousas orthodontist

Home Care For Braces – Tips For Oral Care During Orthodontic Treatment

Throughout your treatment, it’s important to take the right steps to keep your braces and your teeth clean, and to protect your oral health. On this page, we’ll discuss a few simple steps you can follow to take care of your new braces at home.

Keeping Your Braces Clean – Brushing And Flossing Properly With Braces

Keeping your braces clean means that your teeth will stay healthy and will look their best once your braces are removed at the end of your orthodontic treatment. When Dr. Bozner places your braces, we will give you a full set of instructions on how to clean your teeth properly.

You will need to brush your teeth after every meal, if possible, and at least twice per day. Brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste and spend at least two minutes cleaning your braces and the surface of every tooth. Remember to brush along your gum line to help keep your gums healthy.

We recommend using floss threaders in order to get around the wire in your braces and to floss between each tooth. If you have food stuck in or between your braces, you can use an interproximal brush to remove it. We will provide a starter pack full of everything you need at your appointment, but you can also find all these items at your local drugstore or grocery store.

You should also visit your dentist at least every six months for a checkup and cleaning. Regular oral exams and cleanings help to ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy throughout treatment.

keeping your braces clean

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Felicia Irvin

Office Manager
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Liz Meche

Business Manager
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Jennifer Doucet

Lab Technician
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Isabella Juarez

Clinical Assistant
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Danielle Deville

Clinical Assistant
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Kelli Wichterich

Clinical Assistant
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Understanding The Importance Of Good Oral Hygiene

During orthodontic treatment, good oral hygiene minimizes the buildup of stains and discoloration on your teeth. Poor oral hygiene could lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Therefore, it is important that you follow all of your Lafayette & Opelousas orthodontist's and dentist’s recommendations throughout treatment.

importance of good oral hygiene

What Not To Eat With Braces

While you wear braces, you will want to avoid certain foods. Sticky and chewy foods like caramel, gum, and taffy should be avoided, since they can get stuck to your brackets and wires. Not only are they hard to clean, but sticky foods can damage or dislodge your brackets and wires.

You should also avoid hard foods like popcorn, chips, or hard candy. Such foods can dislodge your brackets and cause delays in your treatment. Eating hard foods could also bend your wires, which could cause your teeth to move improperly.

Also, you should never chew on non-food objects. Don’t crunch on ice, bite your fingernails, chew pens, or use your teeth to do things like rip open packages or open bottles. This can damage your braces and your teeth.

Beyond this, you can actually eat most foods! However, we recommend that you ask Dr. Bozner or our team if you are not sure whether a particular food is okay to eat with braces. For example, raw fruits and vegetables are okay, though cutting them into smaller pieces makes them easier to eat.

You may want to eat softer foods right after your braces are adjusted and your teeth are a bit sore. Yogurt, smoothies, ice cream, and soup are all great choices. You can usually go back to your normal diet within a day or two of your adjustment.


What To Do If You Have A Poking Wire

As your teeth shift, you may notice a poking wire. When this occurs, you can put a small piece of orthodontic wax over the area, which is available at any drug store. You can also try to snip the wire with a pair of clean nail clippers.

If you have a wire that’s slipped out of a bracket, you can use a pair of clean tweezers to reinsert it into the bracket’s tube. If you are unable to do this yourself, you can always call our office for a quick comfort visit!


What Do If You Have A Broken Bracket

If you have a broken or dislodged bracket that’s loose and sliding on your wire, please call our office to schedule an appointment. If your bracket comes off of the wire entirely, you can put it into a small baggie or envelope, and bring it to your next appointment.

Please give us a call in advance about your broken bracket. This way, we will be able to schedule extra time so that our team can repair the bracket and get your treatment back on track.

Have Questions? Get In Touch With Camellia Orthodontics For Answers!

As a patient at Camellia Orthodontics, you can always give us a call and ask any questions you may have about your treatment, how to care for your teeth and braces, and more. Feel free to contact us at (337) 291-9141. If you or someone you know is interested in orthodontic treatment in Lafayette or Opelousas, please feel free to get in touch for a consultation. We’re accepting new patients, and Dr. Bozner is excited to meet with you and explore your options for orthodontic treatment. 

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